Patient Experience

Caring for Members

Banner – University Health Plans (B – UHP) considers our contracted providers as partners in caring for our members. As healthcare reform becomes a reality, it is a critical time for health plans and providers to align their efforts in providing care for members and patients with special needs.

Why is Patient Experience Important?

Most of us have high expectations for service and experience across industries, and healthcare consumers are no different. Our patients are the reason we exist and every interaction we have matters. Each of us is responsible for providing a great care experience, whether you are providing care at the bedside or supporting those who do. Ultimately, you are the patient experience. Everything you do impacts patients’ perceptions of the care they receive and whether they will choose B – UHP providers to care for them, or their family and friends, in the future.

Why are the CAHPS and HOS Surveys Important?

The CAHPS survey measures the patient experience with health care services received, while the HOS Survey measures patient physical and mental health outcomes. These patient survey results contribute to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services star rating for health plans. Providing a positive patient experience not only improves patient health outcomes but makes good business sense as health care moves towards value-based contracting. Research shows that a good patient experience is associated with positive clinical outcomes and correlates with healthcare provider key financial indicators, such as lower medical malpractice risk and less employee turnover. 

Resources for the Patient Experience

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
  • The CAHPS Tip Sheet lists some key CAHPS survey questions along with tips to assure patients have a positive experience.

CAHPS Tip Sheet

Member Perception Measures

Appointment Availability

  • Appointment availability and wait time standards for different care specialties. 

Appointment Availability Standards

Delay Rounding

  • Keeping the patient informed about wait time is more important than the actual length of the wait itself. The processes and key phrases within the Delay Rounding Tip Sheet are intended to help improve the aspect of the patient experience in your practice.

Delay Rounding Tip Sheet

Health Outcomes Survey (HOS)

  • Providers can significantly impact how patients assess their health care experience in response to HOS questions. Within the HOS Tip Sheet are tips to ensure patients feel well supported in the areas included in the HOS.

HOS Tip Sheet

  • The LET’S TALK tool captures key measures that impact patient health outcomes. Providers are encouraged to use this tool to improve patient health outcomes and reduce patient risk. The outlined health issues are those commonly overlooked topics that seriously impact patient health outcomes.


Capturing the Patient Experience

  • Providers can get detailed information in the BUHP Provider Tips on Patient Experience document which outlines CAHPS/HOS survey timeframes, details on patient experience survey topics, survey questions and tips for improving patient health outcomes.

B – UHP Provider Tips on Patient Experience